CHICAGO, IL – Chicago food trucks would be permitted to park and stay in one legal space for six hours — three times as long as existing rules — under an ordinance proposed Wednesday by an alderman who says the trucks are fighting for their survival.

Ald. Proco Joe Moreno (1st) wants to relax the regulations just days after a Cook County judge upheld the city’s food truck ordinance. After proposing the six-hour rule at the City Council meeting Wednesday, Moreno argued that a legislative solution is the only avenue now that struggling food truck owners have lost their battle in court.

Moreno said he’s flexible on the six hours, but food truck owners who take “40 minutes to set up and 40 minutes to tear down” need longer than two hours to stay in one place if they are to survive and thrive in Chicago.

“We have to make changes to the law so these small business owners have every opportunity to succeed.”

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