MILFORD, OH – Milford leaders think they owe restaurants in the city more than occasionally stopping in for a meal and leaving a healthy tip.

City Council will vote Tuesday, Sept. 2, on legislation that would regulate vendors who want to drive into Milford, sell food from trucks and exit the city with some of the profits that Milford businesses compete for while shouldering the costs of taxes, employees, building upkeep, health standards and advertising.

Pam Holbrook, assistant Milford city manager, said she is unaware of any food trucks operating in the city now except in conjunction with special events.

But, “At the beginning of the year we had several people express an interest in bringing food trucks to the city,” Holbrook said.

“The (current) zoning ordinance does not offer any specific criteria for when and how food trucks can operate, so staff wanted to be proactive in putting together some regulations.

“We don’t want to prohibit food trucks, but we do want to protect the restaurant owners who have invested in building and property in Milford,” Holbrook said.

The Sept. 2 Milford City Council meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the administration building at 745 Center St.

Jeff Goetz, owner of Big Poppa Slims at 233 Main St. in Milford, hopes the food-truck legislation passes.

“I appreciate our city council people looking after the people who invest so much energy and time and money in the community,” Goetz said.

“We’re investing in the city while these trucks are not.”

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