
Photo by Eric Sandler

HOUSTON, TX – At a time when established food truck are looking to move to permanent spaces, Goro & Gun co-owner Joshua Martinez has decided to revive his truck The Modular using a second truck he had originally purchased to sell wings instead of The Modular’s original trailer.

Why would he increase the daily stress level associated with running a restaurant by adding a food truck? With his typical frankness, Martinez provides a succinct explanation.

“I’m crazy and stupid. That’s pretty much why.”

Or is he crazy like a fox? Martinez has noticed that the emergence of food truck parks and an improved attitude from city regulators towards trucks has changed the landscape in Houston.

“The health department is very on board with food trucks,” Martinez tells CultureMap . “I’ve had great conversations with the head of the food truck division . . . It makes me feel like I’m no longer a pirate out on the sea with food.”

Another benefit of reviving the food truck will be exposing the restaurant’s menu to a wider audience. “Sometimes people are scared to come downtown, so I’ll just bring it to you,” Martinez explains.

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