It’s happens to big businesses like McDonalds and Jeep. Hackers take control of corporate social media accounts and send inappropriate messages to tens of thousands of followers. Don’t let it happen to your food truck. Today we share some simple precautions for vendors to keep their social media accounts safe.

How Keep Your Food Truck’s Social Media Accounts Safe

  • Get serious about passwords. Don’t let social media managers choose their own passwords (“password” is still commonly used). Instead, use a social media management system that allows employees to log in with the same username and password used for company email. That way the master switch for turning accounts on and off remains in IT’s hands.
  • Privacy Settings. Always check the default privacy settings when opening an account on a social media network. The default privacy settings on many social media sites are typically broad and may permit sharing of information to their community. Modify the setting, if appropriate, before posting.
  • Centralize channels: Consolidate all of your food truck accounts within a single system that allows users to publish to multiple profiles on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other networks from one secure interface.
  • Use caution with public computers or wireless connections. Try to avoid accessing your social media accounts on public or other shared computers. But if you must do so, remember to log out completely by clicking the log out button on the social media network to terminate the session.
  • Offer basic social media education: Just a little can go a long way. Provide training on security and compliance issues to your food truck staff members.

RELATED: How To Develop Your Food Truck Social Media Voice

It’s Not The Way It Used To Be

The Internet has made food truck vendor’s lives easier in so many ways. Do you remember when hacked social media accounts used to be a minor inconvenience? You would contact the staff at the platform. Then wait for verification to be authenticated, and then change your passwords. But all in all, it wasn’t too big of a deal. Oh boy, has that changed.

Do you have any additional advice for food truck vendors who want to keep their social media accounts safe? Share your thoughts in the comment section below or on social media. Facebook |  Twitter