Apart from creating a branded Twitter account for your food truck, mobile food business owners should consider creating their own personal account on Twitter. Fans and followers often want to connect with the person behind the truck. What you tweet about will give customers a glimpse into your life and mindset.

This will allow you to cultivate a deeper relationship with customers separately from the brand. The goal, of course, is to increase customers’ loyalty to the brand. Today we’ll share a few things every food truck owner (new or old) can tweet about.

What Food Truck Owners Should Tweet About

Personal News

Share the big events of your personal life (vacations, weddings, births) you, the type of information you’d share with close friends. It can help keep your followers feeling like they’re “in the loop.” You’re also more likely to make a connection with followers who have experienced something similar.


Sharing mistakes and what you learned is a sign of growth, not weakness. Try doing a “What I learned this week” tweet and see how your followers respond.


They key to sharing articles is to also include your unique opinion. Let others know why you liked or didn’t like the specific article. Just remember that your opinion paints a public image, which means you should be cautious about which opinions you choose to share. It’s smart to stay away from too controversial subjects. But it’s still good to show your followers you’ve got a pulse to what’s happening in the world.


If something catches your attention, it’s probably going to catch the attention of others, too. So why not share it?

Wisdom from the book you’re reading

When you hit a “golden nugget” of wisdom in a book, share it. It not only shows that you’re well read, but that you value wisdom.


Sharing your recent purchases, such as music or home cooking equipment can stir up comments and conversations from others that have bought similar items and enjoy the same types of things.

Share Wisdom

Quotes from sports heroes, military leaders and artists can teach us about innovation and leadership, which are essential to business success.

RELATED: Mobile Cuisine’s Quote of the Day Section


The greatest information you can share is from the work you do in your life, but don’t limit that to what you do in your food truck only. If you have a hobby or passion for something creative outside of the food you serve, share it.

Favorite Twitter Accounts

There’s no reason why you should keep all of your favorite things a secret on Twitter. Share some of your favorite Twitter accounts whether it relates to the food truck industry or your community. This is a great way to humanize your social media presence so you don’t seem robotic with what you Tweet about.

The Bottom Line

Out of ideas on what to tweet? You’re not alone. Sometimes businesses feel clueless about what to post on Twitter. The last thing you want to do is bore your followers with the same old Tweets or simply ignore Twitter altogether.

There are a ton of things you can tweet about to spark the conversation with your audience. We hope these ideas help you the next time you have no idea what to tweet on your personal account.

So what do you tweet about on your personal Twitter account? What types of tweets would you add to this list? Feel free to let us know in the comment section below or on social media. Facebook | Twitter