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My Food Truck Is Bankrupt—Wife Took Money

I don’t even know where to begin. I’m in a really bad spot and could use any advice or even just some words of encouragement. I’ve been running a food truck for about 5 years. At one point, I thought things were going pretty well. We had a steady stream of customers, were booking catering gigs, and making decent money—at least, that’s what I thought.

Now, I’m staring at more than $25,000 in debt, my food truck is bankrupt, and my wife of 10 years has left me. I never imagined I’d be here.

Here’s the deal: my wife and I started this food truck together. She handled all the finances while I took care of running the truck, cooking, and keeping things going day-to-day. I trusted her completely—I mean, she was my wife, my partner. I thought we were a team. I didn’t dig into the financials because I figured she had it under control. I was so focused on the truck itself that I didn’t even realize what was happening behind my back.

It all came crashing down a few months ago. I got a call from one of our vendors, asking when they were going to get paid. I was confused because I thought we’d been paying everything upfront. I called my wife, and she brushed it off, saying she’d take care of it. But something wasn’t sitting right. I started going through our financial records, and that’s when I realized things were much worse than I ever thought.

She had been siphoning off money from the business for years—putting it into a separate account that I knew nothing about. While I was working 12-hour days, busting my ass to keep the truck running, she was draining our funds and lying to me. I found out she hadn’t been paying the vendors, and we were deep in debt, racking up unpaid bills that I didn’t even know existed.

And it gets worse. She had taken out a loan on the food truck in my name without telling me. So now, not only am I $25,000 in debt, but I’m personally responsible for all of it. The business is a sole proprietorship, so the debt falls directly on me. It’s not just the business that’s bankrupt—my personal finances are completely wrecked.

The final blow came when I found out she had been cheating on me with one of our former employees. Someone I used to work with every day, right there in the truck. I’m not even sure how long it had been going on, but the betrayal just gutted me. All the while, I was out there trying to keep our business alive, and she was sneaking around behind my back.

So now here I am—no wife, no business, and drowning in debt I don’t know how I’m going to pay off. $25,000 might not seem like a lot to some, but when you’ve got nothing left, it feels impossible. Every day feels like I’m just trying to keep my head above water. I wake up in the middle of the night, thinking about how I let this happen. How did I not see any of this coming? I feel like I’ve lost everything.

I don’t even know what to do next. Do I try to rebuild the truck? Try to sell what’s left and walk away? Or should I just call it quits and move on from this nightmare? I’m completely lost and don’t know how to move forward.

If anyone has been through something like this or has any advice, I’d really appreciate it. I’m at rock bottom here and could use some help figuring out my next step. Thanks for listening, and sorry for the long post. Just had to get it off my chest.

Man, I’m really sorry you’re going through this. That’s a lot to deal with, and it’s totally understandable you’re feeling lost right now. First off, you’ve already taken a big step by opening up and getting this off your chest, so respect for that. You’re not alone in this.

As for the business and debt side of things, it’s tough but not impossible. $25k is a lot, but it’s not insurmountable. Some people suggest bankruptcy as an option if the debt is really overwhelming and there’s no way out. But before you go down that route, it might be worth talking to a financial advisor or even a bankruptcy attorney to see if there are other options like negotiating with creditors or restructuring the debt.

On the food truck side, maybe try to assess what’s left—do you have equipment you can sell to pay off part of the debt? Or is there a way to start small again, maybe with pop-ups or catering, to generate some income without the overhead of a truck?


Bro, I feel you. I was in similar spot with my ex, and it’s brutal when everything crashes down like that. The betrayal, especially from someone you trusted, cuts deep, and the business struggles just add more weight. It’s rough, man. No way around it.

But trust me, you’re not alone. A lot of us have been knocked down like this. Whether it’s relationships falling apart, debt piling up, or the business taking hits. It feels overwhelming, but I know you’ve got the strength to push through. You built that truck from the ground up. You’ve already made it through tough times before, and I know you’ve got it in you to come back from this. Rootin' for you!

I feel so bad for you. This woman sounds terrible and you're better off without her. You'll find someone better!