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Need Advice on Trust Issues with Staff for Our Food Trucks

Instead of losing my cool like usual, I’m coming here to get some advice from the group. My wife and I are just a few months away from launching trucks #2 and #3, and we’ve hit a serious roadblock: trusting someone to run a truck without us constantly there. It’s been a total headache. We thought we found the right guy — seemed solid after three months of working with us — but here’s what’s been happening.

The other night, I went to check the truck after leaving him and another staff member (a girl we’ve had for a while and completely trust), and a big pan of product was just GONE. I’m talking like it vanished into thin air. I don’t suspect they’re stealing money, but something’s fishy. Now, I’ll admit, part of this could be on me — I’ve been letting them take home an order or two after cleanup (that stops today, by the way), but things got real weird when my 19-year-old niece, who helps out sometimes, told me this guy had been taking extra food to his buddies at a local car meet. Apparently, last weekend he left with about five or six burgers, fries, and some sides for the crew and didn’t think anyone would notice.

That wasn't even the worst part. The other night, after this same guy locked up, I found out 15 pounds of pulled pork were gone, and a whole jug of our signature sauce (you know the kind, the expensive stuff we make from scratch worth about $100 worth of food) was missing. That’s a big hit.

Now that I’m typing this out, I’m just getting more frustrated. I don’t know if it’s time to take serious action with this guy or if it’s a system failure on my part for not being clearer about the rules.

I need some input here. What would you do in this situation? How do you handle trust issues like this with your team?

This is the worst part about owning a food truck. You def need to get a camera. We installed them in our trucks, and it made a world of difference. You hate to feel like you’re spying, but you gotta protect your business.

And written policies are a must. Don’t leave anything to chance. If it’s not in writing, they’ll assume it’s fair game. I also give them a staff meal limit — like, one meal per shift and that's it. Otherwise, they get too comfortable and start taking advantage and bringing food to all their friends. Sucks, but like you said, no one will ever care as much as you do about the business.