Learning how to tell a brand story is not new in the world of advertising, but for new food truck owners this concept may be completely alien to them.
A successful brand story must achieve three goals: It has to have a point, it needs to be on brand and it needs to break through the noise of today’s online environment. Here’s how to do that:
- Make sure that you get the point of your brand across, so people say, “I’ve get it.”
- Make sure it reeks of your food truck brand , so that it is communicated clearly.
- Make it awesome. More important today than word-of-mouth is “word-of-eye,” Adamson says. “If you are going to go through the effort, make something shareable. People do not share ordinary. In today’s world, do something that people can capture. Pictures are far more powerful than words. Give them something they can share visually.”
Brand stories matter in marketing your food truck. Why? Great stories create emotion, and those emotions create powerful connections between the consumer, the characters in the stories and the storyteller.
5 Tips To Develop An Engaging Brand Story
You Must Tell the Truth
There is nothing more important when it comes to brand storytelling than being honest with your audience. Your food truck brand story needs to be transparent. It should also be able to realistically tell the story of your food truck, your menu and your customer service.
Develop A Likeable Character
Creating characters to tell your food truck’s brand story does not mean that you need to invent a mascot (not to say you can’t either).
Consider telling stories from the point of view of one of your employees. Or develop a customer personality and tell their story. Talk about their pain points and then show how your food truck is helping them.
Likeable characters are important because your audience needs something or someone to connect with.
Explain Why You Do It
A lot of food truck vendors make the mistake of talking about how great their food is without ever giving the back story about the concept’s origins. What made you want to create this style of food truck?
This is one of the most important brand stories that a food truck owner can tell. Let the audience know what made you want to create your awesome menu. The story should show consumers what problem you recognized that needed to be fixed, and how your truck helps fix it.
Get Customer Feedback
When it comes to marketing you cannot just trust your intuition, you need data to support your decisions. Initial research should be able to give you a good idea of where your story needs to start, but the reactions of your audience will decide where your story needs to go.
Follow social media very closely and search keywords and hashtags that are related to your concept and location. This way, you can understand what your audience loves to talk about and then develop a plan that will help you to join that conversation.
Your Brand Story Must Evolve
As we explained earlier, where your brand story is heading is more important than where it began. Never stop sharing success stories about of your menu and service. Show your audience how your food is constantly evolving and how you and your team are changing your product or service based on customer feedback and requests.
Brand storytelling is a great way to build brand loyalty and value. When you can develop an emotional connection between prospective customers and your food truck, your food truck’s brand power growth will be huge.
RELATED: Knowing Your Brand Essence Is The Secret To A Great Brand
The Bottom Line
Even though it seem intimidating, telling a good brand story about your food truck doesn’t need to be difficult. The best way to keep your food truck’s story progressing without becoming predictable is to make sure you are focusing on the people who are affected by your menu and your customer service.
Do you have a brand story for your food truck? We’d love to hear it. Share yours on social media. Facebook | Twitter