In recent news food trucks are becoming targets of crimes involving guns. In Florida, a food truck owner was shot and killed during an armed robbery. There is no sure way to prevent a food truck armed robbery, but there are precautionary steps you can take to keep you and your employees from becoming unnecessary casualties.
Play It Safe During A Food Truck Armed Robbery
Be smart about security
There are some common sense precautions you should take to keep your business and employees safe. Everyone should be trained on proper opening & closing procedures, cash handling, and security measures. Spot check to make sure these protocols are being practiced.
Cooperate and keep it short
The longer the robbery takes, the more nervous the robber becomes. Comply with any demands without hesitation. You decrease your chances of injury by calmly doing exactly what the robber demands, as soon as possible.
Avoid surprises
Tell the robber if there is someone in the truck that could unknowingly come out and surprise him. If you must reach into a pocket, purse or other hidden area to meet a robber’s demand, tell him what you’re doing.
Be observant
Try to get a good physical description of the robber, including eye color, height, weight, scars, tattoos, and other hard-to-disguise characteristics. If possible, look out for any vehicle that may have been used in the robbery. Write the information down as soon as possible.
Don’t touch
Avoid touching anything the robber has touched.
The aftermath
It’s best not to talk with reporters, but if you do, avoid giving details, especially about the amount of cash lost. Discuss what happened with your employees and bring any fears or concerns out into the open. Ask them for suggestions on how to tighten security to prevent further robberies.
Remember…There’s no need to be a hero. No amount of money can replace someone’s life.
Do you have any additional food truck armed robbery safety tips for vendors? We’d love to hear your thoughts. You can share them below or on social media. Facebook | Twitter