The internet is full of fabulous facts about everything from current events to the history basket weaving and trail mix fun facts. As we research for our daily content on food trucks, food carts and street food, we stumble upon some items of knowledge that we just did not know.
We have decided when these fun facts pop up, that we would share them with our readers in our section titled “Did You Know?”
For today’s Did You Know we will look at Trail Mix Fun Facts
Trail Mix Fun Facts. It is a type of snack mix, specifically a combination of dried fruit, nuts, and sometimes chocolate, developed as a food to be taken along on hikes.
- Trail mix has been eaten by Native Americans for thousands of years, and originally included buffalo meat.
- The combination of nuts, raisins and chocolate as a trail snack dates at least to the 1910s, when outdoorsman Horace Kephart recommended it in his popular camping guide.
- Some believe that trail mix was first invented in 1968. The story says, two California surfers who blended peanuts and raisins together for an energy snack.
- In Australia and New Zealand they call trail mix Scroggin.
- Trail mix is also called GORP (Good Old Raisins and Peanuts or Granola, Oats, Raisins, and Peanuts)
- According to the Oxford English Dictionary , the verb gorp, means “to eat greedily”.
- Trail mix is featured in Jack Kerouac’s iconic 1958 novel The Dharma Bums.
Key Date
- August 31 is National Trail Mix Day.
Trail Mix Fun Facts We May Have Missed
Let us know about any Trail Mix fun facts we missed in the comment section or our food truck forum. We always love to add to these lists. If we can verify the facts we will give the reader credit in the article.
Reference: Wikipedia facts about Trail Mix.
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