As any food truck owner can attest, mobile devices are nearly impossible to live without. And as the food truck industry evolves, mobile devices have become a bigger part of a food truck business. In the last year, Mobile Cuisine has experienced a 75 percent increase of readers who are also job seekers visiting our site on their mobile devices. At that rate, we believe it will shortly become near impossible to recruit and hire without considering mobile devices.
Optimize Food Truck Job Listing For Mobile Devices
Incorporating mobile devices into your existing hiring process isn’t complicated and allows you to connect with job seekers in a new and effective way. As with any search for new hires for your food truck, the first step to making the most of mobile is crafting a job description that will grab the attention of potential candidates.
RELATED: Avoid These 10 Mistakes When Hiring For Your Food Truck
Maximize Screen Space.
It’s important to remember the screens on phones and tablets are smaller than that of a desktop, meaning you need to write job descriptions that can be easily read on those devices. Keep your job listings short and sweet, focusing on the most important information. The less a job seeker has to scroll to learn more about the position the better.
Use Bullet Points.
When sharing the details of the job, consider ditching standard paragraphs and relying on bullet points instead. This small change makes it easier to highlight the most important aspects of the position while taking up less space on those smaller screens we were talking about earlier.
Test it.
Before posting your food truck job description, check it out on your mobile device. Keep an eye out for spelling errors and misplaced punctuation and be aware of how it appears on the screen. This review will help you determine if you need to change anything such as font size or spacing. Scroll through a few times and make sure the job seeker’s experience won’t be slowed by mistakes.
RELATED: Do You Have A Mobile Friendly Food Truck Web Site
The Bottom Line
Understanding mobile devices, the latest technology as well as job seeker trends is a must in your hiring process. Moving on from there start exploring different apps and downloads that can make tasks like training to scheduling easier.
Do you have additional tips for food truck owners posting jobs online and optimizing those ads for mobile devices? Please share them in the comment section our food truck forum or social media. Facebook | Twitter