If there is one thing that food truck owners despise most, it’s dealing with the hiring process. Applications will either show up in mass or barely come in at all. This makes vendors spend hours going through resumes scanning for potential candidates. So, is there any way to break through this cycle? By improving the visibility of your food truck job posting, and posting to relevant sites, you’ll get them in front of qualified candidates more efficiently.

This increases your chances of finding the right candidate in less time. Today we’ll discuss how to make your food truck job posting stand out from the competition.

5 Tips To Maximize Visibility Of Your Food Truck Job Posting

Be Specific

If you’re looking to fill for a specific title or skill set, include it in the job description. Leaving job posts vague to get a larger response will bite you in the long run. You may get a lot of candidates to respond, but if they’re not the right people, it’s a huge waste of your time.

Include A Location

One item that many food truck job postings lack is the location of the position. List the job title, but also the city and state where the job is located. These items can help you limit the job search by geography more easily and attract only qualified local candidates.

Post On The Right Boards

There are plenty of job boards to advertise a new job opening, such as Indeed or Craigslist. These sites do attract a greater numbers of candidates, but niche websites geared to food service can help narrow the candidate pool to help save time. Consider food related niche sites to draw candidates specifically looking to work in the food truck industry.

Use Social Media

Many food truck job seekers today find work on their favorite social media networks. Vendors can use their own social media networks to get the word out. By sending out a few emails, you can tap into a larger network of contacts who can help spread the word about your open position.

Test And  Make Changes

If you’re unhappy with the results you’ve received from your food truck job posting, consider making changes. Test a new posting against the first one to see if the response rate increases. By changing one aspect of the job post, you can determine whether or not you were able to increase its visibility.

Consider changes to job title, description or job requirements. Just don’t test two or more of these at the same time. Change only a single factor and compare results. Do this until you find a winning combination.

RELATED: The Complete Human Resources Guide For Food Trucks

The Bottom Line

Most job postings are written to screen out the weakest candidates rather than attract the best ones. Think of all those ads filled with requirements. Do they really attract the best candidates or turn away others? Focus on what you’d like to see in a candidate rather than on what a candidate has done in the past.

Instead of slapping a food truck job posting online, think carefully about the work environment in your food truck and what it’s really like to work there. By sharing what your food truck is really like, and who might like this type of environment, you’ll attract people who will fit and make an impact in  your mobile food business.


Do you have any additional tips for vendors looking to improve the visibility of a food truck job posting? Share your thoughts on this topic in the comment section or social media. Facebook | Twitter