ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Downtown food truck vendors say it’s hard to make a living with a rule that states they have to park one-hundred feet from brick and mortar restaurants.

This rule can mean death for many of these vendors business’.

“Bars that are serving serve food – they’re harassing us. They’re telling us to move or they’ll call the police.” Claudia Vargas said.

Vargas says the city’s new ordinance pushing food trucks 100 feet from brick and mortar restaurants is destroying her business and everyone else who runs a restaurant on wheels.

“This just hurts a lot of people that’ve been down here doing business for 25 years,” food truck owner Eric Kilmer said “The city doesn’t realize how many people this affects.”

Kilmer has run hot dog stands downtown for 20 years but he says business is thinning out in the months since APD has started issuing warnings to trucks parked on Central Avenue.

“I have to do my job,” Kilmer said.

Even officers say the ordinance is overwhelming to enforce.

For months KOB has heard concerns the law will force vendors out of downtown, and when people map it out, that’s not wrong. A one-hundred foot radius from just a block’s worth of downtown restaurants leaves literally one food truck parking spot.

Saturday night, an APD officer pointed to a truck parked in nearly that exact spot and said it was the only truck not violating the ordinance.

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