It amazes me at times when city councils wonder why food trucks don’t flock into their city limits after they spent months battling the program to begin with. Alexandria is the latest city to try and circle around and get more food trucks to pay to operate in a town that has placed restrictive laws in place. Here’s a tip: welcome food trucks with open arms and don’t act as the political arm of your restaurant constituents.
ALEXANDRIA, VA – The city’s pilot program, allowing trucks at a few off-street locations has, so far, been underwhelming. Only seven trucks have been willing to pay fees of up to $800 — far more than other nearby jurisdictions charge.
Food trucks have also been restricted to just a few locations, including farmers markets, special events and parks.
But the trucks might be showing up in more places — if community members like the idea. The city is conducting an online survey concerning three new possible locations.
Find the entire article at [here]