Central Penn MFACENTRAL PA – Today mobile food vendors from Central Pennsylvania are announcing the formation of a new organization, the Central Pennsylvania Mobile Food Association. Representing 22 mobile food vendors from York, Adams, Dauphin, Cumberland, Lancaster, Lebanon and Berks Counties, the immediate goal of the association is to increase the dialogue between York City Council, York City restaurants and the mobile food vendors of Central Pennsylvania, following the tabling of Article 332 “Mobile Food Carts” of the York City Codified Ordinances.

The original Ordinance proposed to increase the number of cart licenses from one to six and expand the food-cart district to several blocks surrounding Continental Square in the City of York. Opposition to this proposal had been raised by several restaurant owners in York. As additional dialogue and research had been requested on this legislation, Council moved to refer this Bill back to committee for further discussion at a future work session.

Mobile food vendors pose no threat to the restaurants of York or any other city in Pennsylvania. In fact, food trucks improve local business scenes–including restaurants, as they increase foot traffic in communities, keep the streets safe and activate less-populated areas. In New York’s Lower East Side and Chicago’s Maxwell Street Market, food trucks were banned and nearby restaurants took a hit. Food trucks draw people out of their offices and homes and into the community, opening their eyes to all of the meal options their neighborhood has to offer. Mobile food vendors and restaurants serve two different customers and are not competing for the same dollar.

“Right now, cities across the U.S. are considering how to regulate food trucks,” said Jordan Pfautz, owner of Lancaster-based Baron Von Schwein. “With progressive legislation, York has the opportunity to plant their flag and be on the forefront of the food truck revolution instead of driving it out of town.”

“York’s City Council can serve as an example of government done right by passing a law that protects the public’s health and safety–as a good government should, rather than protecting established businesses from competition. We are looking forward to working with York’s City Council and York City restaurant owners to craft effective legislation for all.”

Find out more about the CPA-MFA at facebook.com/CentralPennMFA.