CHANDLER, AZ – Brad Moore, co-owner of Short Leash Hot Dogs food truck and restaurants, brings his food truck out to events all over the Valley on a weekly basis. But rarely did the Short Leash food truck visit Chandler.

“As a financial decision, we kind of stayed away from Chandler,” Moore said.

That’s because Chapter 20 of Chandler’s city code made it unreasonably expensive for food trucks to operate in the city. Chapter 20, which outlines requirements for mobile vendors, originally was geared toward door-to-door salesmen, according to Chandlers’ Revenue and Tax Manager Matt Dunbar.

Chandler’s Chapter 20 required each employee to go through the rigorous application process, meaning that food truck owners would have to pay upwards of $1,000 just to operate once at an event in Chandler.

So the city added an ordinance to Chapter 20, as well as introducing a Chapter 21 to the city code, specifically made to address food trucks’ needs. There are a number of changes that will streamline mobile food truck operations in the city, but one of the most notable is that food trucks no longer will have to go through the costly application process for each employee. Rather, the overseeing supervisor responsible for the food truck will be the only one to go through the application process.

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