PLAINFIELD, IL – The Plainfield Village Board will consider at an upcoming meeting some specific zoning provisions for food trucks in the village.

The board’s Committee of the Whole held a workshop Monday to look at proposed zoning code changes. Much discussion during the meeting, a video of which the village posted on YouTube, was devoted to food trucks.

Currently, food trucks are allowed on private property with the property owner’s consent, but not on public right of way except for special events, such as Cruise Nights or Plainfield Fest.

The committee was not opposed to requiring food truck operators to get a permit from the village, provide proper proof of food permitting through the Will County or Kendall County health departments, and meet the Plainfield Fire Protection District’s food truck guidelines and regulations. Host locations also would need a permit to bring in food trucks.

Trustee Ed O’Rourke said he’d like to keep food trucks as restricted as possible, adding that food trucks are a better fit for an urban setting with thousands of people in a close radius, where restaurants physically cannot serve that many people. Plainfield, on the other hand, doesn’t have a food desert, he said.

O’Rourke said entrepreneurs have spent a great deal of money establishing their brick-and-mortar restaurants and he’s not sure permitting food trucks creates a level playing field.

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