DAVENPORT, IA – Davenport’s food truck pilot program was such a success that the city is drafting an ordinance to make operations a permanent fixture in the city.
The ordinance will appear for City Council consideration beginning in January.
The city was contacted in June by vendors who wanted to operate in right of ways, but Davenport’s ordinances did not allow them to unless they were push carts.
“The goal of the pilot was to see what locations worked, what hours, and honestly, the root of that was if there was enough community interest,” Mallory Merritt, assistant to the city administrator, said.
Merritt said the pilot program was an overwhelming success with many of the vendors selling out at all of the events.
Based off the pilot program, Merritt said the city came away with five takeaways to include in the ordinance: trash collection, spacing issues, vendor code of conduct, fire safety and health permitting.
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