EL PASO, TX – Some Bowie High School students are one step closer to realizing their food-truck dream after El Paso Independent School District trustees voted to let them move forward with the venture.
Bowie seniors taking part in the Oso Good Food Truck project received help from the Paso Del Norte Charitable Foundation, which provided funds for the group to purchase and maintain a food truck.
“It’s kind of a big deal for us because we’ve been waiting for so long to put out this food truck,” said Sergio Marrufo, a senior at Bowie. “For now, getting approved is exciting.”
The original plan was to retrofit an old school bus into a food truck, but officials said it would be easier to purchase a fully equipped food truck. Marrufo said there were a lot of different rules and regulations they’d have to comply with if they wanted to use a bus.
The trustees voted unanimously to approve a memorandum of understanding between the EPISD and the Paso Del Norte Charitable Foundation relating to the Jardin, Cocina y Mercado venture and Bowie’s food-truck operation.
Find the entire article at elpasotimes.com