It looks like another restaurant owning politician has stepped up to push his personal agenda on the people who elected him.

FARMINGTON, MI – According to City Manager David Murphy, the Farmington Downtown Development Authority supports the proposal, having reviewed the draft prior to it being presented to the city council. That didn’t sit well with city councilman Greg Cowley, who believes food trucks can hamper business at brick and mortar restaurants.

“I’m a little disappointed in the DDA,” he said. “One of the fundamental tenets is promoting policies that do no harm to existing businesses.”

Cowley also wants the distance requirement from restaurants to be 500 feet for food trucks.

The proposed ordinance amendment details requirements for signage, size, electricity use, parking, waste disposal, insurance and more, as well. Food truck owners will pay a to-be-determined fee – which Cowley wants to set at a minimum $100 per day. “That’s what my tax bill is,” he said.

Schultz said the proposal will be “tightened up” and discussed further with city administration. The city council is expected to review it again at its next meeting.

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