Trucks drive around the Windy City with exotic foods
CHICAGO, IL – They are popping up on street corners around town and they’ve even organized meet-ups to spread the love. They are food trucks and they’re quickly gaining prominence in the Windy City.
Perhaps you’ve seen them rolling around town. And whenever these gourmet food trucks come to a stop, foodies swarm. And for many, it is all about the chase.
“When I learned about food trucks, it just seemed like the greatest idea ever, to be able to get food at exciting times when you don’t expect to see it. It’s like the chase of the ice cream truck. It’s pursuit,” said Jaime Hannah, a customer of the food trucks
Hannah is among the thousands of food truck lovers in Chicago. They love the unpredictability almost as much as the food.
“There’s also that hide-and-seek aspect to it where you kind of check your Twitter feed when it’s about lunch time and you run out and maybe it’s empanadas, maybe it’s meatballs, but there’s something new everyday,” said John Dingfield, another customer.
And with selections like wild boar belly sandwiches, these aren’t your typical food carts.
Chicago’s food truck fever has even gone to the dogs.
“Fido is here and she loves the treats. She is absolutely hard to please and she loves them so we keep on coming back for more,” said Carla Montano, a customer.
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