The comedy is based loosely on celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and his reality TV show “Food Revolution.”
Paramount Pictures is cooking up the big-screen comedy Food Fight, based loosely on the reality TV show Food Revolution, which centered on celebrity chef Jamie Oliver.
The story centers on a hot Los Angeles chef known for his popular gourmet food truck who gets into trouble and is sentenced to work at a school. The chef revamps the lunch program with a ragtag group of kids.
The project, which has been quietly simmering on the Melrose studio’s backburner, would be in a similar vein to another Paramount hit, School of Rock. Food Fight dovetails with the British chef’s major cause: bringing healthy food choices to schools amid skyrocketing health problems associated with poor nutrition.
The best bit is the list of candidates lining up to play the “English chef working in LA who gets in trouble with the law”. The shortlist includes Anchorman’s Will Ferrell, and American Pie and Role Models star Sean William Scott. Apparently, Oliver may do a cameo.