If you happen to wonder what is happening across the globe in relation to the food truck industry, this story will help to show how much the industry is growing. A delegation of Hong Kong health officials are in San Francisco speaking with food truck owners and food truck event promoters to get a better feel for how health and hygiene is handled here.
SAN FRANCISCO – A Chinese delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene began its duty visit in San Francisco, the United States (US), yesterday to study its experience in regulation of food truck operations and regulatory control of imported food products.
Upon arrival, the delegation met with representatives of the Environmental Health Services Division, San Mateo County Health Services, to learn more about regulations relating to the operation of mobile food facilities.Delegation members also paid a visit to mobile food truck vendors operating in 5M: 5th and Minna Street to better understand how they operate food trucks.
The delegation then met with founder of food truck vendor Off the Grid, Mr Matt Cohen, to learn about the challenges faced by vendors.The delegation also met with officials of San Francisco Planning Department, San Francisco Department of Public Works and San Francisco Department of Public Health to obtain more information on the policies relating to food trucks including the licensing requirements and enforcement mechanism for operating food trucks in San Francisco.
The delegation will continue its visit in San Francisco today.Members will visit other food truck vendors and meet with US Food Safety Import Surveillance officials.