PHILADELPHIA, PA – A new GhostFood truck traveling the northeast in October will offer you the experience of eating some wonderful, albeit endangered, delicacies. That’s right: the experience. You won’t actually get to eat the food, but if the proprietors’ trickery works, your brain—and your tastebuds—won’t know the difference.
To replicate what it’s like to eat a food without actually consuming a particular item, GhostFood will strap a 3D-printed headset to your face, which will feed the correct smell of whatever is it wants you to imagine eating to your nose. As for what you’ll actually put in your mouth, GhostFood will offer you a textural analogue. So rather than eat cod eggs, you’ll get a whiff of cod egg smell and something similarly chewy to munch on.
You can check out the GhostFood truck starting next week at DesignPhiladelphia 2013. The project will also be traveling to Newark and New York later in October.
Find the original article by Mario Aguilar at Gizmodo <here>