INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Police are still searching for whomever robbed a food truck owner on the city’s northwest side.

The family who runs “Taqueria El Hermano” says their food truck was one of three targeted in just a matter of days.

Maria Garza told Eyewitness News that two men put a gun to her father’s head after he returned home one night in late May.

She was getting ready to go to sleep when she heard the confrontation.

“As I was praying, I hear my dad yell,” she recalled, “and I didn’t know if it was him or not. All the sudden, I hear all this commotion, pots and pans falling. All I remember is waking up all my family, trying to grab something to defend ourselves and as we walk out we see them run.” The thieves made off with $1300.

That’s money the family relies on to pay their bills. There is no word yet on whether the same people behind this crime also hit the other two food trucks.

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