JACKSON, MS – Jackson city officials want to give food truck vendors more freedom to move around the city.
“We don’t want to be hindered,” said Jeff Puckett, whose Hog Heaven BBQ on Lakeland Drive operates a food truck. “We just want to be able to operate.”
City Councilman Tyrone Hendrix, chairman of the council’s rules committee, said the problem facing food truck vendors is that is there is a $500 permit fee for each spot they choose to set up shop, meaning they can’t just set up where they choose.
Hendrix said the proposed ordinance change would allow them to freely move throughout the city but would restrict a food truck from being within 300 feet of a brick-and-mortar restaurant.
“We look forward to more food trucks,” Hendrix said.
The City Council has started the process of amending the ordinance. It could come back to the council for final action in a month or two.
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