LAREDO, TX – The city of Laredo is now taking applications from people who want to run a food truck.

Food trucks now will be permitted for the Mines Road industrial park area, San Bernardo, downtown and McPherson.

Operators will be required to park their stationary trucks on private property and also have arrangements for bathroom  access.

And they have to link to a stationary kitchen to wash dishes.

The health department says the standards are the same as restaurants.

“They’re going to have to comply, just as if they were a restaurant. So what we’re looking forward to is in support of a business venture that the city is supporting, that these mobile food trucks comply with all of the regulations”, said Dr. Gonzalez.

The health department says the plan helps boost business and if done right, it can replicate some of the successful food truck venues, seen in San Antonio and Austin.

Find the original article with video at [here]