NEW YORK, NY – A street food fight is brewing between Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the woman who wants his job.
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn is pushing the city to reduce fines faced by street vendors, but the mayor described it as less than a good idea.
“Reducing the fines is one of the stupider things I’ve ever heard,” Bloomberg told reporters, including CBS 2?s Tony Aiello, on Thursday.
The mayor said he’ll veto that “stupid” idea, while Quinn said bring it on.
“There’s never been a veto that I haven’t overridden,” Quinn said.
Quinn is pushing to reduce the maximum fines faced by street vendors from $1,000 to $500 and the mayor is pushing back.
“We want people to follow the rules. If you reduce the fines, they will follow them less. The complaint is they’re not following them now,” Bloomberg said.
The mayor’s point was illustrated on Fifth Avenue on Thursday.
City rules require vendors to be 10 feet from a crosswalk.
“I mean it goes up to 15, 20 in a week,” vendor Leon Zayid said.
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