Many teenagers spend their high school years working in fast food restaurants. That first job at the grill or the cash register has been a rite of passage in America for generations. For many, it’s their first taste of the working world.
Now, a small group of high school students in Lansing, Michigan is taking that experience to a new level. The food isn’t quite as fast, but it certainly is “to go.”
LANSING, MI – The Fresh & Furious Food Truck concept was developed by high school students from the development of a business plan to truck design and menu creation. The Fresh & Furious Food Truck is the first of its kind in the state of Michigan operated by a high school career and technical education program. This food truck makes its grand entrance to the Capital Area Career Center (CACC) Culinary Arts & Hospitality program on December 15, 2015. The Food Truck business model will be handled by students providing experience in many areas needed in any business environment including project planning, customer service, inventory management and much more. The Fresh & Furious Food Truck will officially launch operations sometime in January.
Chef Corbett Day states, “When students start brainstorming ideas, we encourage them to put together a plan and make it a reality and that’s what happened here. Our Fresh & Furious Food Truck is just one of the ways our students amaze us. We can’t say enough about our students who developed the plan, designed the look of the truck and those who are eager to operate the Fresh & Furious Food Truck starting in January.”
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