MILTON, WI – A mobile food truck has moved into Milton and some local business owners aren’t happy about it.
Los Agaves has been in town less than a month, and the city administrator said city officials have received about a half a dozen calls from area business owners crying foul.
To set up shop in Milton, the food truck owners paid $25 for a direct seller’s permit. Milton City Administrator Jerry Schuetz said that’s the same cost a popcorn stand or ice cream truck would pay.
Schuetz said business owners aren’t bothered by the additional competition; they just want the cost of doing business in the city to be fair.
“I think they bring up a valid point that if someone is going to come here and set up shop and we want them to be successful, and we want to have a welcoming environment for them to do so, that $25 compared to the person paying $6,000, $7,000 or $10,000 in property taxes isn’t the most level of playing field,” Schuetz said.
Schuetz said the food truck owner voluntarily moved his business from the west side to the east side of town so as not to conflict with the other established restaurants in that area.
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