You may have noticed this latest food truck trend. Cities across the country are re-examining their current food truck ordinances to see if changes can be made to allow them to vend on public property. Now in our completely biased opinion they should adopt these types of changes. The only reason why they shouldn’t may be if there is a definitive public safety concern. With that said if a community keeps trucks off public property, we certainly hope they keep FedEx and UPS off their streets as well for those exact same reasons.
KEARNEY, NE — Possible regulation changes for food trucks are on the agenda at Tuesday’s Kearney City Council meeting.
At the March 8 council meeting, Michael Park, owner of the Food Track Cafe, asked the council to consider amending city code to allow food trucks to conduct sales from public property, such as parking lots and parks.
Food trucks currently are allowed to park in private parking lots if they obtain permission from an owner. The trucks can operate on public streets during special events conducted by a nonprofit, if they get an application authorized by the City Council.
The Kearney Police Department is not in favor of allowing food trucks to park in the street, because it may cause a safety hazard, City Attorney Michael Tye said.
Find the entire article at [here]