CAPE CORAL, FL – What is the future of food trucks in Cape Coral? Land development regulations don’t allow food trucks anywhere in the city.

“According to the legal opinion we received from the city attorney’s office, mobile food vendors are not allowed in any of our zones,” Community Development Director Vince Cautero said.

However, several food trucks are routinely seen throughout Cape Coral selling everything from tacos to hot dogs and almost everything in between.

Cautero said those businesses were allowed to operate because of historical precedence but the city wants a formal ordinance governing and regulating food trucks.

“I think they provide a valuable service to our residents,” Cautero said. “… We want to keep them in the city.”

But some of the regulations have local mobile food vendors up in arms. John Wolske, owner and operator of Hoboz Fine Dining, blasted the proposed ordinance before a stakeholders meeting between city officials, mobile food vendors and brick-and-mortar restaurant owners.

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