YORK, PA – Amendments to a new York City law could make it more difficult for food truck owners to operate.
The city’s new ordinance allows food trucks to operate from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. seven days a week in an effort to expand community growth. One amendment before the city council, however, would cut the operating time to 12 hours, from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m., on Mondays and Saturdays, and all day Sundays.
A second amendment says food trucks can’t operate within 100 feet of a brick and mortar establishment.
Many market vendors and restaurant owners took their concerns to the council.
“I think it would just take away from the customer base that we already have,” said Annette Fisher, owner of Bair’s Fried Chicken. “On slower days, the vendors struggle among each other. So, when you’re adding extra people out on the street, it just brings more of a struggle.”
“I definitely don’t think it’s fair,” said Matt Ensminger, manager of York City Pretzel Company.
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