Surprise, surprise. The citizens of Rochester, Minnesota would love to have food trucks roaming their city streets. But why aren’t they there? Politicians and restaurant owners have kept mobile vendors out of town to eliminate any chance of competition. Hopefully, this survey will speak loudly to the city council, but we won’t hold our breath.

ROCHESTER, MN – The people have spoken, Rochester wants food trucks.

A city ordinance effectively bans food trucks from operating on city streets and downtown public property, ABC 6 reports, but a recent survey shows many residents want to see this ordinance rescinded.

The City of Rochester launched the survey in November, with the results expected to be factored into future city council debate over food truck regulation.

And of the 1,867 people who responded, an overwhelming majority of almost 80 percent are in favor of allowing food trucks, according to the survey results released this week.

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