Jeanna Barrett is a Digital Marketing & Content Strategist in San Francisco who is preparing to embark on an interesting way to expand her introduction into the mobile food industry. Last year we published an article on how a food truck event is the perfect location for a first date, Jeanna has taken this idea one step further. She plans to visit 50 food trucks over the span of 50 dates. Yes, you heard that right, dates!
We spoke with Ms. Barrett last week about this project:
Mobile Cuisine: In regards to your project, what gave you the idea to go on 50 dates to food trucks?
Jeanna Barrett: The idea originally took seed in 2010 when I saw a Tweet about a project a gentleman in London was doing called 52 Burrito Dates. Fast forward two years, a conversation we had on Twitter this past April reminded me of the idea, and I decided to do a similar project in San Francisco. I wanted to change it to make it “more me,” however, and since there are well over 50 mobile food options in the Bay Area, I felt Food Truck Dates were a great option to keep the ideas fresh, fun and interesting (for me, and for my readers). You can read more details from the back story on my site.
MC: What is the primary goal of your 50 food truck project?
JB: I like to tell people I’m doing this 50% for the story (to turn into a book) and 50% for love. The story would be even sweeter at the end if I found love through a Food Truck Date.
MC: How would you describe yourself for prospective dates?
JB: 15.02% sassy, 46.23% cute, 21% athletic, 6.0091% party animal, 11.741568% career focused, 1.7% book nerd, .032467% shy and .000001% into Star Wars.
MC: How picky will you be in selecting who to date for this project?
JB: Not as picky as I usually am, or have been in the past. Part of me is doing this project to be more open minded than people usually are through online dating – which turns into flipping through five photos and discarding someone without reading their profile half the time. Most of the men I’ve had a crush on or loved in my life I would have probably passed up on an online dating site, so I’m trying to keep that in mind as I select my dates.
MC: How would you describe the type of guy who most interests you?
JB: I’m most interested in someone who is funny – I die for the funny guys, and the nerds. I’d also like someone who is social, independent, driven and passionate about something. That word is terrible – but if the shoe fits…
MC: Since there are food trucks around the country, would you consider a date out of the Bay area if the gentleman is willing to get you to their home town?
JB: Most definitely! I’m tossing around the idea of a food truck date in North Carolina to visit my ex-boyfriend from college (wouldn’t that be fun – 10 years later), I’ll be doing a Food Truck Date or two in Seattle, one in Portland… and wherever this next year takes me!
MC: Will the dates be Dutch or are you expecting your date to cover the costs?
JB: I’m actually paying for the food! I’m a modern gal. 😉 (For drinks – we’re going Dutch).
MC: You mention on the site you have tried 5 trucks so far…which ones are they and do you have a favorite?
JB: I feel far ill-equipped to say my favorites so far since I’ve been to so few in the Bay Area, but if I had to pick my favorite dish, it’d be the deconstructed samosa from Curry Up Now. I’m excited to try all the food trucks I possibly can over the next year! I’m keeping a running tally in my site’s sidebar on my Top 5 Trucks, so I’ll report back to you on favorites after date 50!
We will be following this project as it proceeds, and will share the updates as Jeanna gets the time to report back after attending each date.
You can find her site 50 Food Truck Dates here or follow her on Facebook and Twitter.