In Mobile Cuisine Magazine’s quest to keep our readers up to date with the latest stories relating to the food truck industry has compiled a list of the stories that hit the wire this weekend from Napa Valley, Chapel Hill, Bozeman, New York, and Calgary.
Nov 11
Food trucks held to impossible standards (Editorial) – Napa Valley, CA – After reading the Saturday, Nov. 5 article, “Council wants tougher food truck regulations,” I was astonished at how disconnected the Napa City Council and some of its cohorts are from the issues that most Napans are concerned with.
Find the entire article <here>
Town may get food trucks – Chapel Hill, NC – Some Churton Street restaurant managers think allowing food trucks in Hillsborough might be good for business.
Find the entire article <here>
Nov 12
Mobile food – Bozeman, MT – A whole new foodie culture surrounds these mobile, and often surprisingly gourmet restaurants, with full kitchens packed in to small internal spaces.
Find the entire article <here>
Culinary artistry on urban wheels – New York, NY – Some of New York’s fanciest food trucks come from a nondescript one-story factory crownedwith razor wire, teeming with 15 workers arrayed on an assembly line.
Find the entire article <here>
Nov 13
Could it work here? – Calgary, Canada – With Calgary’s food truck pilot program into its fourth month, the questions arises whether the California model would work here. Could school boards partner with food trucks to rent parking lot space at night?
Find the entire article <here>