In our quest to keep our readers up to date with the latest stories relating to the food truck industry has compiled a list of the stories that hit the wire this past weekend from Atlanta, San Diego, Boston and Belmont Shore.
November 15
Food trucks find a home in the suburbs – ATLANTA, GA – The food truck fad appears to have found a comfortable home in the Atlanta suburbs.
Communities around metro Atlanta have reported that thousands of people have taken part in food truck events during the summer and fall in order to check out the trucks’ unique fare and socialize with neighbors.
Find the entire article <here>
City cooks up rules for food trucks – SAN DIEGO, CA – City rules for food trucks on private property began to take shape at an Oct. 23 hearing of the City Council’s Land Use & Housing Committee.
City staff have proposed regulating the food trucks’ proximity to restaurants, limiting their hours of operation and a creating a permit system for both property owners and food truck operators.
Find the entire article <here>
November 16
New England street food – BOSTON, MA – Taking inspiration from street food cuisine offered around the world, New England chefs are going mobile. They are hitting the streets, creating modern, delicious snacks and meals to go.
“For diners, it offers a quick way to eat well,” says Mike Martini, former chef and co-owner of Newport Gourmet Food Tours. “For chefs, there’s no high overhead, no front-of-the-house hassles, and no more filtered feedback on their food. The customer is eating it right there in front of them.”
Find the entire article <here>
November 17
Roe. To Use Food Truck While Project Wraps Up – Belmont Shore, CA – Work to build out Roe. (sic) Restaurant & Fish Market in Belmont Shore has been ongoing for more than a year now, but the owners of the establishment said they know they will have at least one more setback, requiring a temporary food truck, before the project is complete in early January.
Find the entire article <here>