In our quest to keep our readers up to date with the latest stories relating to the food truck industry has compiled a list of the stories that hit the wire this past weekend from Washington DC, Louisville, Victor and College Park.

Off the Wire Food Truck NewsOctober 4

Some Food Trucks Shut Down Along With the Government – WASHINGTON DC – When PORC food truck hit the streets on Tuesday, co-owner Josh Saltzman gave his crew specific instructions: Don’t to go anywhere near a government building. L’Enfant Plaza, normally one of the most popular food truck destinations, has become a lunchtime ghost town amid the government shutdown. Instead, PORC headed to Franklin Park. But that wasn’t much better. PORC did about half of the business it normally does, ultimately losing money for the day.

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Health Dept. Official: Goal is to Introduce Food Truck Letter Grades by Year-End – LOUISVILLE – KY – The Louisville Metro Department of Health & Wellness’s goal is to introduce letter grades for food trucks by the end of 2013.


[food truck operators] had suggested that they wanted to move forward with it. We had committed to try to get something rolled out this calendar year,” said Matthew Rhodes, deputy director of the health department. “That’s still what our goal is.”

October 5

Food trucks permitted in Victor with conditions – VICTOR, ID – In the third installment of public hearings, the Victor City Council passed an ordinance that permits food trucks and other mobile businesses as long-term, temporary businesses under a combination of conditions. The mobile business must be paired with an existing business that is located in the city’s service commercial or general business zones and a quarter mile from the central business zone. Also, it may not front Hwys. 33 or 31.

Find the entire article <here>

October 6

A new hope for campus food – COLLEGE PARK, MD – A campus’s food can make or break a student’s decision to attend a university. With two standard dining halls, 251 North’s all-you-care-to-eat dining, Stamp Student Union’s sizable food court, Adele’s sit-down restaurant and takeout and a host of cafes and convenience stores, the university provides enough variety to fit nearly any student’s lifestyle. And should students find Dining Services’ offerings not to their liking, a wide-ranging selection of restaurants lie just off the campus on Route 1.

Find the entire article <here>