Even though food trucks have started accepting credit card and are less of a cash business as they once were, that doesn’t mean that criminals know that. Protect yourself and your staff. While a camera system may not stop a robbery, it will help the police in apprehending the criminals.
WICHITA, KS – Wichita police are investigating an early Sunday morning robbery of a food truck in north Wichita.
Two men, one with a handgun escaped with cash from a taco truck.
Some food truck vendors like Luciano Mottola are puzzled why someone would rob a food truck when he says his business involves little cash.
“Mostly business is run on a credit card,” Mottola said. “So a lot of people pay with a credit card so we don’t have much cash. And only do lunch unless it’s a party.”
The robber’s, two heavily disguised and armed men in their 20s robbed the taco truck at 1 a.m. Sunday in a closed business parking lot in near 29th and Broadway.
Police recommend trucks get security cameras.
“Any kind of of added security the food trucks can add such as surveillance videos or surveillance cameras, you know that will definitely help,” said Sgt. Nikki Woodrow of the Wichita Police Department.
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