It’s Monday once again, and Mobile Cuisine Magazine is proud to provide our readers another article designed to share a multifaceted culinary lifestyle program that is spreading throughout the country and world. As many of you already know, we have designated our Monday features to help promote the Meatless Monday’s program which not only do we support on the website, but our staff actually has adopted in our Monday dietary lifestyle.
In today’s article we want to announce a contest which will allow our readers and those following the Meatless Monday program from around the country to name America’s favorite vegetarian or vegan food truck or cart. Do you have a favorite truck in your area, or have you read about a cart that is at the top of your list to try out the next time you are in their area? Nominate them today!
We will be gathering submissions until Monday, August 8th at 12 AM CST. Once we have all of the submissions, we will determine the top 10. At that time, we will provide a poll which will once again, allow you to vote for your favorite. The results of this poll will determine the winner.
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Please be sure to add Vegetarian/Vegan Mobile Food Vendor in the subject line. And list your nomination in the body of your message.
The winner of this contest will be featured on Mobile Cuisine in a multiday feature series, to help share information about the vendor, their menu, and how they came up with the idea for serving meatless fare.
Be sure to vote early and vote often. The initial phase of our contest allows anyone to vote, for any food truck, food cart or mobile street vendor within the United States (To be eligible to gain entry into the contest, the mobile vendor will need to serve at least one meatless entrée that is part of their regular menu rotation and the vendor is operating or will start operation before the end of August 2011).
If you have one favorite, feel free to submit as many votes for them as you like. If you have a group of trucks with meatless options in your area, submit a vote for each (separately). Mobile food vendors are welcome to vote for themselves or let their customers know about this competition to have them vote for you.
Tell your friends and family, spread the word. The more votes received the better.
Please do your part today and join the Meatless Monday movement? Signing up is fast and easy! Follow them on Twittter.
Mobile Cuisine Magazine looks forward to continued coverage of Meatless Monday for our readers!