Are you looking at starting a mobile food business? Have you determined that you will be operating this business at your local and state fairs, but a food truck isn’t the route you want to go with for the platform of delivery for your concession food? Then concession or food trailers are what you need to look at. Concession trailers come in various sizes and shapes, so you need to know some important factors to consider when searching for the right type for your needs.

In this article will discuss the key factors to use when you are looking to purchase a single or multiple concession trailers for your mobile food empire.

5 factors to consider before purchasing concession trailers

These things will help you determine the best trailer to get.

Style or Type of Trailer

There are many different types of food trailers available these days. That is why it is imperative that time is taken to research the different options. Find out what each one is used for so you can be sure that you are getting one that will fit your concession needs. This is imperative to do because if you don’t, then finding the right one can be difficult.

The Food You Serve

You have to take time to consider what types of foods you will be selling. The food is important because this will help you eliminate all the concession trailers that are not good for that type of food. In other words, knowing what type of food you will be selling will make your decision much easier when deciding the right trailer.

Storage Opportunities

You have to take the time to consider the amount of storage for the foods you will have. Also how much space will be needed in the food trailer to make this type of food. These two things are imperative to consider before choosing any trailer.

New or Used Concession Trailers

One very important thing to consider is whether you will get a new cooking trailer or a used one. The newer ones will have all the warranties, so definitely take this into consideration. The used trailers will save you money and by shopping online, you can do some comparison shopping before deciding.

Your Budget

Always consider how much your budget is for getting the trailer. This will help eliminate a lot of the trailers right off the bat. If you take time to shop around you can always find trailers that will be in your price range. Just don’t settle for just any trailer, be sure it is exactly what you need before getting it. With time, you can always find the right trailer within your budget.

RELATED: What To Consider Before Buying A Food Truck

The Bottom Line

These are the most important things to consider before deciding to get any concession trailers. Always be smart and do your research first so you can be sure you are getting the right trailer for the concession foods you want to sell. This will help you be more successful with your new business for sure.

You MUST answer these questions before buying a concession trailer no matter if you plan to purchase it from a custom builder or plan to do the build out yourself.

What other tips do you have those looking to purchase concession or food trailers? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Share your thoughts on this topic on social media. Twitter | Facebook