It’s been over ten years after the big explosion of gourmet food trucks made its way across the country. The industry has sparked a ton of innovation. Vendors have built so many strong brands that the biggest trend in the industry is the growth of food truck brands into brick and mortar restaurants. Because of all of this growth in the mobile food industry, we’d love to find out which food truck restaurant you think is the best. We are happy to announce, a contest which has the goal to find out who has the 2019 food truck restaurant of the year. Will last year’s winner, Sweets and Meats BBQ out of Cincinnati, OH be able to retain their title?

As with all of our other contests, the food truck restaurant of the year contest will open today and will be run in two stages.

For the next two weeks (we will accept emails submitted by 7:59 PM Eastern Time on Friday March 15th, 2019)  we will give our readers the opportunity to submit their choices via contact form below or by email at: contest [at] mobile-cuisine [dot] com.

Once the data has been collected and counted, we will open a poll (Monday, March 18th, 2019) that allows for voting for the top 10 submissions.

RELATED: An Explanation About Our Food Truck Contests

Eligibility For 2019 Food Truck Restaurant Of The Year Contest

To be eligible for the final poll, the restaurant needs to have opened before February 1st, 2019. They must also be a brick and mortar extension of the brand created from a food truck. Restaurants can be located in any country so feel free to submit choices from outside the United States and North America.

We look forward to receiving your submissions. Food truck restaurant owners are free to submit their own restaurants for consideration. Voters may vote as often as you wish.

The only request we have is that you submit one entry at a time. Also include the name of the vendor, as well as the city  or area the they operate in.

So let the voting for the 2019 food truck restaurant of the year begin. And remember, vote early and vote often.

RELATED: Promotion Strategies To Get Votes In Online Contests

    Share any questions you may have in the comment section, our food truck forum or social media. Facebook | Twitter