There are times of the year when a food truck owner simply has too much on their plate. You may buckle down and focus, or like many people, you may get overwhelmed and freeze up. Running a food truck business is hard work. From time to time, vendors working on their businesses, find that they hit a wall or they get stuck. So how do you get your food truck business unstuck?
Whether you have been in business for a year or five years here’s how to do it yourself. The next time you are stressed out by how much you need to accomplish, use these four steps to get unstuck.
4 Steps To Get Your Food Truck Business Unstuck
Determine Where You’re Stuck
The first step in getting unstuck is to figure out where the pain is coming from. Write down everything you need to do on a piece of paper. Find out precisely where you are stuck. Some common areas where business owners get stuck are.
- Not enough revenue: You aren’t selling enough product.
- Not enough profit: You aren’t making enough on each sale.
- Too much work: You are busy. 24 hours isn’t enough to to stay caught up.
- Too many headaches: Your business is full of problems.
Find The Cause Of Being Stuck
If you sick, maybe it’s a cold, or maybe it’s the flu, but rest assured, something is causing the illness. Being sick is the symptom, but an infection or allergy is the source of your problems. What is the cause of your business being sick? Here are some of the sources of sickness in a food truck business:
- No effective marketing: Without effectively letting the world know about your food truck, you can’t expect customers to come running to your service window. Lack of effective marketing results in low revenues.
- No differentiators: If the only thing that makes your truck or menu is price, don’t ever hope to have a highly-profitable business.
- No internal systems: If you’re working around the clock to keep up, you don’t have effective operational systems in place. Systems keep a food truck running smoothly during fluctuations and increases in sales.
Treat The Cause
Once you figure out the cause is an infection, you can start to address the sickness. You take antibiotics to get rid of the infection. Business owners often struggle with the sickness that they never stop to identify and treat the problem. If your food truck is sick, what can you do to provide some immediate relief? Here are a few suggestions to help get your food truck unstuck:
- Reach out to your current and previous customers and see if there is anything you can do to better serve them.
- Define and market your Unique Selling Proposition. What makes your company different from all the others? Now tell people about this difference. RELATED: Developing Your Food Truck Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
- Take some time to develop internal systems for your food truck. You’ll need systems for marketing, employees, sales, inventory, customer service and management. RELATED: 5 Food Truck Operational Systems Your Truck Needs
Avoid The Cause
Once you know what has caused you to get stuck, you can find solutions to prevent it from happening again. This simple formula will help get you unstuck by helping your brain work in the direction of your true goals.
The Bottom Line
Vendors who are ready to get their food truck business unstuck have reached a point where it’s become unbearable to stay where they are. They’re more afraid to stay there than they are afraid of what comes next. This is a powerful feeling that you need to remember because it will help to keep you from getting stuck again.
Have you found other ways to get your food truck business unstuck? We’d love to hear your tips. You can share your thoughts in the comment section below or on social media. Facebook | Twitter