Today we are happy to follow up a recent article in which we asked our readers to submit their choice for their favorite college food truck or cart. We had nearly 500 individual submissions so it took us some time to tabulate the results. Now that the submissions have been counted we have our a top 10. Now it’s time for you to choose our 2019 College Food Truck of the Year.

Will we have a repeat winner from 2018, or will we have a new champion in 2019?

Nominees for the 2019 College Food Truck Of The Year:

If you are a food truck that feels you should have been included, we apologize. The trucks selected for this poll were determined by our readers, and by the number of votes they received in the first phase of the contest.

Check back next week to find out the final results.

This poll will stay open for 2 weeks to make sure everyone gets a chance to vote for in the poll and the truck operators will have a chance to let their fans know to come help them collect votes. The poll will close on October 25th at 7:59 PM ET. The results will be announced on the following Monday.

The winner of this contest will be declared our 2019 college food truck of the year contest and will hold the title until 2020. So get out there and tell your friends and family to help spread the word.

Tell your friends and family to help spread the word for our 2019 College Food Truck Of The Year contest.

RELATED: Promotion Strategies To Get Votes In Online Contests

If you run into issues with submitting a vote, you can submit via email us at contest(at)mobile-cuisine(dot)com, however we will be making sure that only 1 vote is counted per person per day. Let us know about any problems you run into via social media. Facebook | Twitter

Please Note: Once the poll is closed, we audit every vote submitted. Should we find any votes have been submitted by gaming the voting system, they will be disqualified.

RELATED: An Explanation About Our Food Truck Contests

Get the word out to your friends and family to get your favorite the title of 2019 College Food Truck Of The Year.