Today we are announcing a new contest which will allow our readers from around the country to name America’s favorite vegetarian or vegan food truck or cart for 2013. Do you have a favorite truck in your area, or have you read about a cart that is at the top of your list to try out the next time you are in their area? Nominate them today!

cinnamon snail food truck

We will be gathering submissions until Friday, July 12th at 12 AM CST. Once we have all of the submissions, we will determine your top 10. At that time, we will provide a poll which will once again, allow you to vote for your favorite. The results of this poll will determine the winner.

Please be sure to add Vegetarian/Vegan Mobile Food Vendor in the subject line. And list your nomination in the body of your message.

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You may submit as many entries for the same or different food trucks as you like for this portion of the contest. The form may clog due to the number of users at one time, if you run into any issues, please submit your votes to [email protected].

The winner of this contest will be featured on Mobile Cuisine in a multi-day feature series, to help share information about the vendor, their menu, and how they came up with the idea for serving meatless fare. To be eligible to be part of this contest, the majority of the truck’s entree items must cater to vegetarian or vegan diners. We upset some readers in the past who felt that only trucks with exclusive vegetarian/vegan menus should be included. We disagree, and will stand by rule for this for this years nominees.

Please, help us spread the work and tell your friends and family about this contest.

Our Previous Winners:


Purple Carrot

Twitter: @eatpurplecarrot

The Purple Carrot is a Farm to Truck mobile dining destination specializing in locally grown fare. Join us for unique, seasonal and delicious eats!

East Lansing Michigan ·


The Cinnamon Snail

Twitter: @VeganLunchTruck

The Cinnamon Snail is the country’s most raunchy mobile Vegan Organic restaurant! Blasting supreme bliss & zany antics all over NYC, & dirty Jersey

Hoboken NJ, Red Bank NJ, NYC ·