If you’re like most food truck owners, you are looking for a simple, in-expensive, yet profitable marketing strategy, than you’re going to love this article about mobile marketing. Running a food truck business revolves round a lot of different variables that can affect your business. Everything from weather, seasons, your parking locations, your staff, and the quality of your food. As a mobile food business owner it’s important to consistently have the line at your service window full.

As a huge food truck fan, I can admit that few people want to step up to a truck with no line. Most customers want to see line full of people (ok maybe not too many), life, and laughter. It’s the social proof that the truck with all the people in line must be good.

5 Mobile Marketing Strategies To Build Food Truck Profits

It’s important to note that mobile marketing, if used properly can be extremely powerful and can fill your line very quickly so please choose wisely on how you use these strategies.


A simple, straight to the point coupon never hurt anyone. Many food trucks are seeing great success by simply sending out a coupon or discount to their subscribers. Just imagine, it’s a Wednesday afternoon and you know that every Wednesday is your slowest day so you create a Wednesday texting discount club. Send a $5 off or 15% off coupon via text and you’ll start to see some great results.

“Buy any entree and get a free appetizer – TODAY ONLY”

Meal Specials

Want to attract more traffic and customers to your service window for lunch? Send a quick meal special text message to get the ball rolling.

“Today’s special – Fresh Mahi Mahi Tacos, Fresh Cut Fries and a Drink – Only $9.99. See you soon!”

Order Up Notifications

Stop yelling out the window looking for the customer who is waiting for their order, instead… a text message directly to your customer’s phone. It’s cleaner, easier, and much more efficient for your business.

“Your order is now ready. Please come to the service window”

Birthday Reminders

As a food truck you can learn a bit more about your customers, gather their birthday information, and send them a special gift on their birthday or leading up to their birthday so they can choose your place for their birthday breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

“Happy Birthday! Find us today and get a FREE Burger”


Some trucks I have visited have a “card bowl” at their service windows. This is a great way to collect your customer’s information for later mobile marketing follow-up. If you are running a contest or a raffle, you can send a text message to the winner or simply send out a coupon to all of the subscribers to bring more customers to your food truck.

“Congratulations! You won a $25 gift card from our truck! Please show this message to our service window staff to claim your prize.”

The Bottom Line

Mobile marketing is different than other methods of marketing because it lets your business get directly in front of customers on devices they use all the time. From mobile check-ins to text messages, to emails and social media, mobile marketing will help your food truck boost sales when you send coupons or offer discounts, or promotions to customers.  It’s smart to reach out to customers on the devices they constantly have in their hand.

Have you used text messages in your mobile marketing strategy? Let us know how it worked for you in the comment section, our food truck forum or social media. Facebook | Twitter