Most food truck vendors realize that when entering into the busy season they have to keep an eye on marketing...but how? Are you prepared to do everything that needs to be done?
The busy season is the time of year where food truck vendors strike while the iron is hot. The competition will be tough; everybody is competing for the consumer’s disposable dollar as well as their loyalty. Your competition is not just the food truck parked down the street, but it’s also the restaurants, and the convenience and grocery stores in your town too. Today’s consumer has only so much money to spend on food and everybody wants it.
When your schedule is about to become swamped with festivals and catering events in addition to your daily stops, you need to remember not to neglect your marketing to remain competitive. Time management is a must to make sure you meet all of your commitments as well as keep up on marketing your mobile food business.
How To Keep Your Eye On Marketing During Busy Times
Here are some of the things to keep on your to-do list to help keep an eye on marketing..
- Maintain or create an email marketing program.
- Aggressively promote your food truck on social media.
- Train your staff to be your marketing ambassadors by providing a great guest experience.
- Make sure your loyalty program is running at full speed.
- Prepare a program for marketing gift cards (who doesn’t love to receive a gift of food for a birthday or special occasion).
- Have a profitable seasonal menu to increase sales.
RELATED: How Food Truck Vendors Should React To Economic Ups and Downs
The Bottom Line
We understand that there is a lot to do with little time to do everything, but keeping and eye on marketing with continuous marketing (not just during the slow times of the year) is a key to maintaining your food truck’s growth.
How do you keep an eye on marketing during your busy season? Share your thoughts in the comment section below or on social media. Facebook | Twitter