The age-old marketing adage, know your customer, is about more than remembering the names of your food truck’s most loyal followers. Vendors who don’t focus on their customers often fail. A relationship with the individuals who might buy from their truck is essential, but for some reason, many miss this critical aspect of their mobile food business. All too often, these food truck owners spend their energy on everything but having conversations with current and potential customers.
Customers’ needs and expectations are always changing. It’s important for vendors to maintain ongoing relationships with current and prospective customers to better understand their needs and wants.
Today’s consumers expect a high level of personalization. Communication must be tailored for any given customer. The key to this strategy is knowing that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to customer service.
How can you deliver that level of personalization to your prospective customers? Ask these questions about your current and potential customers to help refine your marketing efforts and boost sales in your food truck.
Questions For Vendors To Ask To Get To Know Your Customer Base
- Who are they (age, gender, location, income level)?
- What menu items and services do they need from a food truck?
- Who else provides those menu items and services (your competition)?
- How can you set your menu and services apart in a positive way that customers will notice?
- What will it take for consumers to make a purchase?
- What will it take to retain their business?
Your answers to these questions will help you know your customer base’s needs and attract their business with menu items and services they want.
RELATED: How To Determine Your Food Truck Target Market
The Bottom Line
Successful food truck owners know the wants, wishes and buying behaviors of specific individuals. They have analyzed the size of the market or the number of potential customers that fit their target profile. In addition to this, they know their customers’ names, ages, genders, incomes, home and Internet addresses, professions, education, associations, and marital status, number of children, hobbies, their tastes and interests.
They understand their likes and dislikes. Knowing a customer to this depth is one of the key characteristics of highly successful food trucks.
It should be crystal clear to every food truck owner that thoroughly knowing and understanding your customers and delivering what they want is the ultimate key to success.
How have you gotten to know your customer base? Share your thoughts on social media. Facebook | Twitter