The new year is upon us and with it come millions of New Years resolutions to eat healthier, lose weight or get in shape. A great way to attract new customers to your food truck is to make sure your menu contains resolution friendly items. Even if they wind up ordering your more decadent dishes, diners with good intentions to eat healthier are likely to decide where to take their business based on the options you make available.
To get you started, here are a few ideas for adding healthy items to your menu while keeping your food costs in check and your food truck’s personality front and center.
Use New Years Resolutions To Increase Sales
Consider alternative proteins
You don’t have to start serving up tofu if you don’t already. There are plenty of non-animal protein options that convey healthfulness without screaming “vegetarian”. Ethnic cuisines are great sources for inspiration – Mexican bean dishes, Indian dal, or even Portobello burgers are good places to start.
Why do this? Offering meatless dishes makes your food truck an option for parties that include vegetarian or vegan diners, which is important because that audience is growing. Ten years ago, it might have seemed like a fad, with just a small population, but it’s been constantly increasing.
RELATED: Top 5 Protein Sources for a Vegetarian Food Truck Menu
Focus on freshness
To be completely honest, if burgers and fries are staples at your food truck, your customers probably won’t be excited to see quinoa pilaf show up on the menu. But they might be interested to know that your beef is cooked to order, your French fries are hand cut on the truck, or your buns are baked fresh daily. Details like these assure customers that you are serving them handcrafted, minimally processed foods, and that’s important even if it doesn’t mean a lower calorie count.
The Bottom Line
So why bother adding healthy items to your food truck menu in the first place? According to the Hudson Institute, it’s great for business. In a recent study they found that increasing the number of lower-calorie options significantly increased foot traffic.
When you hear the phrase, New Years Resolutions, most people think about losing weight, quitting smoking and vowing to enjoy life to the fullest. These are all very common personal New Year’s resolutions, so why not tap into them to help your food truck sales improve in the New Year?
How are you focusing on consumer New Years resolutions to improve your food truck? Share your thoughts in the comment or social media. Facebook | Twitter