Thankfully, the Jordan city council saw the light, the earlier discussion of allowing a food truck within city limits 3 days a month was ludicrous.

JORDAN, MN – There will be no limits to how often a food truck can come into Jordan. City council members on Monday night amended the proposed food truck policy to remove the restriction that would have limited each food truck to three days a month.

The initial reason for the restriction was to try and strike a balance between food trucks and existing businesses. However, no local business owners voiced any opposition to food trucks when the issue was discussed at the Planning Commission or at the previous council meeting.

As the discussion began, council member Terry Stier made a motion to approve the original motion, with the option to loosen the ordinance down the road. Council member Jeff Will seconded the motion.

“I would rather do it the other direction and do the experiment with more competition and not less,” council member Mike Franklin said.

Franklin said he would rather start with no restrictions on the number of times a food truck can operate in town.

“I think we should start with the chance of more food trucks rather than fewer, and if there is a problem, then we ration it back,” Franklin said.

Council member Jeremy Goebel said he agreed with Franklin. “After I read this I was like ‘Oh my gosh,’ we wrote this thing up like there is a huge food truck pandemic and we need to stop it,” Goebel said of the original policy language.

Council member Brenda Lieske disagreed with Goebel and Franklin.

“I was on the Planning Commission and I think one reason why you didn’t hear from the business owners is I think we came up with a reasonable start to this,” Lieske said. “It does not limit the number of food trucks – you could have 8,000 — but they can only come in one time (one Friday-Sunday) a month.”

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